Friday, June 30, 2017

Awesome Night

Dear Sawyer,

Cute Sawyer sayings during our vacation in St. Thomas:

"Plane! Plane! Woooow, plane!" -- You loved seeing all of the airplanes at the airport.

"Hol' on! Whoa! Whoa!" -- You were a little nervous during takeoff and insisted that I hold on to your leg while the plane went up in the air. Whenever I moved my hand, you immediately grabbed it and placed it back on top of your leg.

"Mou! Mou!" -- I let you watch "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on the plane and when Mickey Mouse came on the screen, you were so excited and mimicked everything he did, from his bouncy walk to the way he pumped his fist in the air.

"Water! Water!" -- You pointed to the pool and said this whenever you wanted to go in.

"Turn!" -- You said this whenever you wanted a turn at something.

"Awe-sum!" -- You said this on the night we returned home from our trip. It was dark out and there were dozens of fireflies lighting up our front lawn when we pulled into the driveway. You had never seen fireflies before and watching you watch them was really sweet. I mean, they are bugs that light up. How magical is that?! I caught one in my hands and you were so amazed by it's glow, thus leading to the first time you said, "Awe-sum!"



Monday, June 19, 2017

Elmo's Soooooong

Dear Sawyer,

Recent cuteness:

-When GongGong or PoiPoi leave our house, you call out after them, "Bye! Soon!" (as in, "See you soon!").

-You have started the "Why?" stage and it is so funny when you ask why because you say it with such perplexity in your voice.

-When you want to be included in something, you shout, "Too! Too!" (as in, "Me, too! Me, too!"). You also say this when you want someone else to be included (as in, "You, too! You, too!") and point to said person.

-We were playing on your mat when you bumped my chin with your head. When I said, "Ow," you asked me, "Kay?"

-You get such a kick out of yourself when your naked. You start laughing and saying, "Nakey! Nakey!"

-You love Paw Patrol and can name all of the dogs: Chay, Marshuh, Rocky, Rubble, Ma (Zuma), Kye (Skye).

-You love Ernie and Elmo's "One Fine Face" song and can sing along to it. You're also a big fan of "Elmo's Song" and sing it like this: "La la la. [in deeper voice] Sooooong. La la la. Soooooong!"


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Let's Talk

Dear Sawyer,

I am very impressed with how much you are trying to communicate. This morning at breakfast, you put together your first two-word sentences when you told me, "JieJie cool [school]. GuhGaw cool. Dada cool." Then you looked around the dining room and said, "Ummmmm," trying to figure out what else you knew how to say and could talk to me about.

It's so cute when you say something you have heard other people say. When I have to leave you in your room or in your high chair to go do something, I always tell you, "I'll be right back!" So the other night, when we were sitting in the living room and you got up to follow Daddy into the kitchen, you turned to me and said, "Back!" before leaving the room. And you are also using your words to look out for JieJie. I gave you her water bottle the other day and told you to give it to her. GuhGaw jokingly tried to take it and you yelled at him, "NO! Sui sui! JieJie!" :-)


Thursday, June 1, 2017

You're Two Years Old!

Dear Sawyer,

One of your favorite songs is "You Are My Sunshine" and you request that I sing it to you by saying, "Sunshi!" You often ask me to sing it several times in a row and I don't mind because it makes you smile and because the words are so true: You are my sunshine and you make me so so so happy, gray skies or not. And now you are my 2-year-old ray of sunshine. Happy birthday, baby bear!

It's true what they say about parenthood: The days are long but the years are short. Taking care of you, JieJie and GuhGaw can seriously kick my butt sometimes, especially on those days when someone constantly needs something from me and I don't even have five minutes to just sit down, but your childhood is racing by. You already look like such a big boy (my, what long legs you have!) and you are acting like such a big boy, too--you are saying many new words every day, you can feed yourself so well when I give you a bowl of milk and cereal, you put away your toys when I ask you to, you brush your teeth on your own without complaint and when you go down the slide at the playground, you don't even reach for my hand anymore but are fine sliding down on your own (*sniff sniff*). You are still my baby in one main way, though--you can't fall asleep unless I cuddle with you. It would be easier for me if you would go to bed on your own like your siblings do (and did, when they were your age) but I do love our snuggles. I love the way you feel in my arms with your back against my chest and how you still insist on clasping my hands in yours until you drift off, so I will enjoy this sweet Sawyer-Mama time while I still can.

You have very good manners and always say "tank oo" to me but I have to say "tank oo" to you for being such a wonderful, sweet boy. You are so joyful, funny, giggly, huggable and adorable and I love being your mama. I look forward to seeing your beaming smile when you wake up in the morning and kissing your super-kissable cheeks as you fall asleep at night. You fill each of my days with laughter, amazement and yes, sunshine, and I am so grateful that you are in my life. I love you so much!
