Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Pants Mix-Up

Dear Sawyer,

Impressive things about you at the moment:

1) You love blueberries so much that you can easily polish off an entire pint of them in one sitting.

2) You can fit into your baby sister's pants! After you got dressed this afternoon, you went up to play in the attic. When I came up to say hi, I noticed that your pants were strangely short on you--the hems were a few inches above your ankles. I was so confused and asked you if you'd had a sudden growth spurt while playing in the attic. Then it occurred to me to check the pants size--and they were size 2T! The last time I was putting laundry away, I must have accidentally put a pair of MuiMui's pants in your drawer. They look similar to your pants so you slipped them on today and they fit fine! They were short on you but the waist part wasn't even tight! Oh my gosh, you are so slim! And we couldn't stop laughing when we realized you were wearing MuiMui's pants! Hahaha!


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Best of the Best

Dear Sawyer,

This morning, you said to me, "Mama, you are my best friend. I have other best friends but you are the BEST of my best friends." Awww, thank you, sweetie!


Connecticut Energy

Dear Sawyer,

Instead of "hummus," you say "Bahamas." As in, "Can I  have some Bahamas with my carrot sticks?" You also pronounce "kinetic energy" as "Connecticut energy." I love it!
