Saturday, January 14, 2023

Cushioning the Fall

Dear Sawyer,

When MuiMui takes a nap, I usually stay with her until she falls asleep. Today, the two of you had been playing together so nicely all morning so when it was time for her nap, she asked you to stay with her and you did. You laid in bed next to her and when you eventually came downstairs after she'd fallen asleep, you told me that you had looked at how long she was and put a barrier next to the bed in case she rolled off. Later, after MuiMui had woken up and I went into your room, I saw exactly what you had done: You had set four seat cushions on the floor next to the bed and they were aligned with where her body had been on the bed. That way, if she had rolled right off the bed, she would have landed exactly on the cushions. You are such a good big brother! I am so proud of you for protecting your little sister!


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Lights Out

Dear Sawyer,

When I tuck you in every night, we do our good-night routine and then I put your bedroom light on the dimmest setting before leaving your room. When I was about to dim your lights tonight, though, you said, "I don't need the light. You can shut it off." #growingup #nomorenightlight
