Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Baby Trifecta

Dear Sawyer,

You pooped and while I was changing your diaper, I accidentally got a little poop on my hand. And then you peed on my hand. And when I finally cleaned you (and my hand) up, I picked you up and you spit up on me. All right--what else ya got?? :-P


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nap Time

Dear Sawyer,

You, Connor, Lila--all three of you are currently napping at the same time! All three of you are currently napping at the same time!!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Trio of Accidents

Dear Sawyer,

So today, GuhGaw woke me up at 5:30 in the morning to tell me that he had wet his bed, JieJie had an accident in her underwear and peed on the floor and your diaper leaked while I was nursing you and your pee spilled out all over my stomach. So this is life with three kids under the age of five! Oye.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ladybug Fever

Dear Sawyer,

Today, you were wearing JieJie's ladybug onesie (yes, I dress you in your sister's hand-me-downs--they're in such good condition!), a real live ladybug found its way inside our house and was crawling on my bedroom ceiling and GuhGaw brought home a ladybug art project he made in school. What a weird coincidence!


Monday, June 8, 2015

First Week

Dear Sawyer,

You're already one week old! And whew, these past seven days have been a little rough. You slept really well during your first night in this world but then after that, you wanted to nurse and be held constantly. And you couldn't be held by just anyone--you only stopped crying when I held you, so I didn't get any sleep those first few nights. PoiPoi even tried to trick you into thinking I was holding you by putting on some of my lotion but it only worked twice before you caught on!

It's okay, I know you have a lot to get used to. And you did start sleeping for longer stretches this past Saturday because my breast milk finally came in and you now have more to eat. I am so tired but you are so adorable, so if I have to be up all night, at least I get to be up all night with a cutie like you! You open your eyes a lot and alertly look around a lot, especially at night after you've had a bath. You often purse your lips when you're sleeping, you like to cover your face while you're nursing, your neck muscles are already pretty strong and you hate clothing and diaper changes but you seem to like the sound of JieJie's voice and always turn toward your sister when you hear her talking. Your favorite sleeping position is when you're lying on my chest on your side while curled up in the fetal position--and I could hold you like that all day!


Friday, June 5, 2015

Sleeping Baby

Dear Sawyer,

I forgot just how wonderful it feels to hold a sleeping newborn baby on my chest. To feel you nuzzle your soft baby cheeks against me, to hear you breathing your tiny baby breaths, to look down and smell your delicious baby smell. I think the world would be a much better, happier place if everyone could hold a sleeping newborn baby on their chest before they went out in the morning!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Nice To Meet You!

Dear Sawyer,

Hi there! It is so nice to meet you! After living in my belly for 36 weeks and 5 days, you decided to make your entrance into this world on June 1 at 10:44pm. You were three weeks ahead of schedule but are perfectly healthy and--at 7 pounds, 11.6 ounces and 20 inches long--as big as some full-term babies!

So my pregnancy with you was not the easiest. Around 26 weeks, I started having occasional contractions and had to go on modified bed rest, which meant that I couldn't take walks, do any heavy lifting or even stand on my feet for too long, which was hard to do since I had to take care of your older brother and sister. At 34 weeks, I was already dilated 6cm and had to be hospitalized for 11 days (more on that in a later post). The doctors and nurses thought you were going to be born at 34 weeks but thankfully, you waited a few more weeks until you were bigger and stronger. And when you finally were born, it happened fast! On Monday around 8:30pm, I suddenly started having painful contractions several minutes apart. I called Daddy at work and told him to come home right away to take me to the hospital while PoiPoi stayed home with GuhGaw and JieJie.

Since I'd already been 6cm dilated for weeks, there was a chance that if my water broke, you'd be born immediately. Luckily, my water didn't break en route to the hospital and I didn't have to have you on my kitchen floor or inside the Midtown Tunnel! There wasn't much traffic on the highway and Daddy and I arrived at the hospital around 10pm. I was immediately wheeled up to Labor & Delivery and when my doctor examined me, I was already fully dilated. There wasn't any time for me to get any drugs, so for the second time in my life, I went through the excruciating physical anguish that is childbirth sans any painkillers (I didn't have time to get any drugs when your sister was born, either). Yep, your mom is hard. CORE!

Since you were on the big side, I had to push a lot harder than I did with your siblings and for what felt like a longer period of time (though in reality, it was only maybe half an hour). But finally, you crowned and I could see the top of your head--which was covered with lots of black hair--in the mirror the nurse had placed near the foot of the bed. Daddy, as he had done with GuhGaw and JieJie, had consciously avoided looking "down there" and was therefore completely surprised when you came out and my doctor suddenly plopped you on top of my chest! (Disconcerting side note: The umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck when you came out but not tightly, so you were okay.) You were so warm and sticky and tiny and beautiful and I immediately fell in love with you as soon as I held you in my arms!

The nurse cleaned you up and when she handed you back to me, your right eye was already open and looking directly at me! We were eventually moved to a room in the maternity ward and even though I think it was around 2am by then, I didn't sleep--you may be my third baby but I marveled at you as if you were my first. Your cute button nose, your itty, bitty fingers, the adorable gurgly baby noises you made, the way you kept moving your mouth as if you were chewing gum, the fact that you'd opened both eyes for the first time on Tuesday morning and looked at me--I couldn't get enough!

I am so happy you are finally here and look forward to a lifetime of being your mama.
