Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Masked Man

Dear Sawyer,

Your current obsession? PJ Masks! It's a Disney show about three kids who don masks and costumes to battle bad guys. There are two boys and one girl--and one of the boys is named Connor--so it's perfect for you, GuhGaw and JieJie to play PJ Masks together! Your siblings like the show, too, but you are the biggest fan and I always hear you saying things like "Connor becomes . . . Catboy! Greg becomes . . . Gekko! Amaya becomes . . . Owlette!" You like to pretend that I'm Luna Girl (she is a villain on the show but for some reason, you tell me she is a good guy) and that Daddy is Romeo (also a villain, on the show and in your pretend world), so you'll run up to me and say, "Luna Girl! We have to find Romeo! Let's get him!" And then you pretend to attack Daddy, haha!


Monday, March 26, 2018

Happy Days

Dear Sawyer,

I was brushing my teeth tonight when you walked into my bathroom and said, "Hi Mama! That make me happy!" I asked you what makes you happy and you replied, "You! You make me happy! You no make me sad!"

Right back at ya, cutie!


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Rainbow Chocolate

Dear Sawyer,

When you poop on the toilet, I reward you with M&M's, which you call "rainbow chocolate." Today, you pooped in your diaper and when I realized this and said you should have gone on the potty, you said, "When I poop on potty, I get rainbow chocolate. Can I go poop on potty now?" Uhh, it doesn't quite work if you have already pooped in your diaper! But nice try. I know you wanted that chocolate, haha!


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Comforting Mama

Dear Sawyer,

I was sitting next to your crib tonight as you were falling asleep and started thinking about Uncle Tony, which made me cry. You noticed, immediately sat up and said, "Mama, you sad? Be brave. Let me get you a napkin." Then you stood up to get a tissue and used it to lovingly blot my nose. Thank you so much, sweetheart.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sleep Time for Sawyer

Dear Sawyer,

Hallelujah! After two and a half years, you have finally finally started sleeping through the whole night in your own bed on a regular basis! Let me get a "Woooo!"

I sleep-trained GuhGaw, I didn't need to sleep-train JieJie and I should have sleep-trained you but didn't have the energy. For a loooooong time, you would wake up crying every couple of hours if you slept in your crib. But if Daddy and I brought you to our bed, you would immediately fall asleep and stay asleep for the whole night, so it was just easier to let you sleep in our bed. Well, easier for you since you got to rest. You often flopped around like a wet fish when you were sleeping, so Daddy and I would often be harshly awakened by your fist hitting our cheeks or your foot kicking our chins or your head butting ours (dude, you have a hard head!). But that was preferable to throwing off the blanket, getting out of bed and walking down the hallway to shush you back to sleep every two hours, so we suffered through the physical abuse and woke up every morning groggy, tired and slightly black and blue.

Putting you to bed was a challenge, too. GuhGaw and JieJie get in bed by 7:30pm and they stay in bed until the next morning (for the most part). You refused to stay in bed and if we tried to say goodnight and leave you in your room, you'd cry so hard that Daddy or I would have to come get you for fear of you waking up your siblings. Many nights, Daddy and I would just make you lie in our bed between us until you eventually passed out at a very late 10 or 11pm.

But now that you are closer to 3 than you are to 2, you have finally started letting me put you to bed in your room while you are still awake. I put GuhGaw and JieJie to bed in their rooms and then I walk you to your room, tuck you in, read a few books to you, kiss you, say good night, turn off the light and boom! Sometimes you cry out for me but you will stop after a few minutes and eventually fall asleep on your own. And you stay asleep until morning time! Victory!

I'm not going to lie. Since you are my youngest and I know how fast the time goes, I didn't hate our co-sleeping days. No matter how tired I was, I could always appreciate the sweet feeling of you nestled next to me with your hands holding mine. I could always stay awake for just a little longer to watch you drift off into dreamland. I loved hearing your rhythmic breathing and your occasional mid-sleep giggles and mumblings. So even though I waited this long for you to go to bed on your own, sometimes when you are all tucked in with the lights off and you ask me if I can stay with you, I am more than happy to comply!


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stay With Me

Dear Sawyer,

Sweet things you do now:

- You sit to my right at meal times but that is apparently not close enough for you because a few minutes into every meal, you always push your place mat and chair as close as you can to mine so that they are touching and say, "I love you." Sometimes, you even like to hold my hand while we eat and give me so many hugs that I actually have to tell you, "Okay, no more hugs! Eat your dinner!"

- When I am across the room, you instruct me to squat and hold out my arms so that you can run into them and have me catch you.

- When I put you down for a nap, you often ask me in a soft voice, "Can you stay with me this much?" Then you reach your arm up to the ceiling. And I can hardly say no when you ask me so adorably!


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Asking Nicely

Dear Sawyer,

One of my favorite things about you is how polite you are. You always say please and thank you and if someone says thank you to you, you respond with a chipper, "Welcome!" Sometimes you forget to say please but if I ask you how you should ask for something nicely, you immediately repeat your request with the word please. I have taught you that you get things when you ask nicely, so I kind of turn your world upside-down when you don't get things when you ask nicely.

Case in point: We were at a play date today and after we were all done eating, you asked if you could have a cookie. I gave you one and you ate it. You asked for a second cookie and I gave it to you. Then you asked, "May I have another cookie please?" I said you couldn't have a third cookie, that was too many cookies. You gave me a confused look and said, "But I ask nicely." Well, you got me there . . .


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sneaky Shoppers

Dear Sawyer,

Going shopping with you kids is dangerous because I never know what's going to end up in my cart! When GuhGaw and JieJie were your age and sitting in their strollers, they often grabbed things off of the shelves without me seeing them and then I'd pay for my things and walk out of the store, only to realize that GuhGaw was clutching a toy car or JieJie was holding a bag of chocolates. I always went right back into the store to return the shoplifted goods and luckily, we never got into trouble!

You exhibited equally sticky fingers today when we went to Trader Joe's and I kept finding things like a box of popcorn or bag of apples that you had thrown into the cart when I wasn't paying attention. Then when we were checking out and I was talking to GuhGaw, you grabbed a box of chocolate peanut butter cups from the shelf, walked over to the belt, stood on your toes and pushed it onto the belt with the rest of our groceries. The cashier almost rang the chocolates up, too, but I saw the contraband just in time. I said we weren't getting those and the cashier jokingly reprimanded you, "Hey, you almost got me into trouble!" Haha, you sneaky guy!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Home to Daddy

Dear Sawyer,

As we were leaving music class this morning, you said to me, "We better go home." I asked you, "Because of the snowstorm that's coming?" You replied, "I miss my daddy." Awww!


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Staying Still

Dear Sawyer,

GuhGaw and JieJie, like most kids, hate going to the doctor but you are the opposite. When you fall down or bump your head, you say, "I get hurt. I have to go to the doctor. Can we go to the doctor?" Is it the TV in the waiting room? Or do you like to look at the fish on the receptionist's desk? Maybe you just enjoy taking a car ride with Daddy and Mommy?

On Thursday, I actually did have to take you to the doctor because I noticed that your right ear was leaking yellow pus. It turns out that your ear drum had ruptured because you had an untreated ear infection! I had no idea you'd even had an ear infection because you hadn't complained of any pain, hadn't been rubbing your ear, hadn't had trouble eating or sleeping . . . nothing! Ear infections hurt so you are seriously one tough guy!

The doctor said the rupture will luckily heal on its own; I just need to put ear drops in your ear for 10 days to kill any bacteria. And you have been so great about letting me put the drops in! I have to put 5 drops in twice a day and after I put them in, you have to stay on your side for at least five minutes to allow the drops to fully enter your eardrum. I know that staying still for five minutes is an eternity for most kids (and even some adults!) but you have been so good about doing it every time. Yesterday, you were laying down on the couch and I told you to stay down while I cleaned up the kitchen. Time got away from me and I didn't realize that more than 15 minutes had gone by, but when I went back to the couch to get you, you were still laying down! Such a good boy!
