Friday, November 30, 2018

Quiet Time

Dear Sawyer,

You never like going to bed and always ask me to stay with you "all day." Last night, I said I couldn't stay all day but that I would stay for a little bit. I sat down on your bed and asked you what you did in school and you said, "I moved all the kitchen toys to the other table." Then I asked you what else you did but you were so tired (it had been a school day and you hadn't napped) so you blinked slowly, rolled over on your side and said softly, "Mama, that's enough talking." Hahaha! Message received. I stayed quiet and just held your hand until you fell asleep.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Season of Sharing

Dear Sawyer,

The holiday season is officially here and during this time of year, Daddy and I always donate to charities. Your school is holding a Toys for Tots drive and I wanted to use it as an opportunity to teach you about giving to those who are less fortunate. However, it turned out to be a little more complicated than I expected. Our conversation went like this:

You: Can I play with those toys?
Me: No, we are going to give them to kids who are less fortunate. It's kind to give things to people who may not have as much.
Y: Oh, like sharing with homeless people?
M: Yes.
Y: So after we give them the toys, they will give them back to me so that I can play with them?
M: Well, no. We are going to give them the toys and they will take it to wherever they live.
Y: But we are sharing! We take turns!
M: Yes, normally that is how sharing works but--
Y: Because I want to play with the tractor, too!
M: I know, but they are going to take it to their house--
Y: Then can I go to the homeless house to play with them? Can you drop me off for a play date at the homeless house?

Oh boy! We talked about donating for awhile longer and I think you got it. I know how much you liked the tractor but you have also always been so thoughtful, so you were very understanding about why we were giving the coveted toy away to someone else. You carried the tractor the whole way to school and helped me place it in the Toys for Tots box in the lobby. I told you that you were going to make some kid very happy and you smiled back at me so sweetly!


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Daddy Impression

Dear Sawyer,

I gave you lunch this afternoon and went into the kitchen to clean up. While I was rinsing dishes at the sink, you ran up behind me and tightly hugged my legs. You looked up at me lovingly and then ran back toward the dining room. You paused, though, to turn back and tell me, "I hug you because you so beautiful." Day made! And it got even better when several minutes later, you came back into the kitchen and said, "I give you three kisses." Then you gently kissed me in three different spots on my arm. You are such a sweetheart!

You are also such a funny little comedian! After dinner, you and I were again in the kitchen together while I was cleaning up. Daddy walked in and said, "I'm going to take a shower now." After he walked back out, you repeated exactly what he said in a deep voice and sounded exactly like Daddy! You nailed his tone! I laughed so hard, my stomach started to hurt. It was awesome!


Monday, November 26, 2018

Best Friends

Dear Sawyer,

Recent Sawyer cuteness:

- You say narble (marble), gubblebum (bubblegum) and faminee (family).

- You say it's either "good morning time" or "good night time."

- You and JieJie have a special goodbye ritual when she leaves for school in the morning. Instead of shouting bye to each other, you say, "Chicka chicka!" I guess it's your special sibling code word for "goodbye."

- You were eating lunch one day when you pretended to be your tummy. You cupped your ear and said in a deep voice, "Can you hear me? I'm full!"

- When you eat something you like, you say a satisfied, "Mmm" and give me a thumbs-up sign.

-You often fold your hands together while you're riding in the car or watching TV.

- You still love Team Umizoomi and ask to watch it every day. You never want to watch anything else!

- You giggle whenever you hear the words "poop" and "fart."

- You can spell your own name!

- You came into the kitchen the other day, spun around with your arms out and said, "See my ninja spin!"

- JieJie left her unicorn slippers in your room and while she was in school, you brought them back to her room and placed them neatly next to her bed. When I told you that was such a thoughtful thing to do, you replied, "I'm her best friend."

- Your classmate Mila is also your best friend and you talk about her all of the time. Sometimes, you tell me, "Mila is my best friend. I'm going to marry her." Awww!


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Passed Out on Picture Day

Dear Sawyer,

You had your very first school picture day today! I dressed you in a blue oxford shirt, khaki pants and a bow-tie and gelled your hair and then told you to go look at your reflection in the mirror. You ran to your room and I heard you shout, "Wow! I look SO handsome!" And you did!

You were incredibly handsome today . . . and tired! After school, I was helping JieJie with her homework and you were playing on the floor next to us. Around 5pm, you asked to sit in my lap and dozed off after several minutes. You haven't fallen asleep in my arms like that in a looooong time and it was so sweet. I rocked you and admired your long eyelashes, chubby cheeks and still-babyish face . . . and then you started getting really heavy and I carried you to your bed, haha. And now it's been five hours and you are still asleep! You didn't even eat dinner. I guess it was exhausting posing all those photos today!
