Dear Sawyer,
For your class birthday party yesterday, I made a photo collage with pictures of you from over the past four years. When your teacher looked at it, she said she could see that you have always been a happy little boy--and you really have been! You already started cracking sweet little smiles when you were just two weeks old and you haven't stopped smiling and laughing since! Your giggles are the best and I especially love it when you find something so funny, you cover your mouth as you laugh.

Your Chinese name is actually Lok Lok, which translated into English is basically "Happy Happy," so PoiPoi could not have picked a more apt name for you! You have your sad times and your grumpy times and your angry times like anyone else but for the most part, you are so full of joy. We were having lunch at a restaurant last week and while you were eating your calamari, you were also wiggling back and forth in your chair and dancing to the songs playing over the sound system. You are happy even when you are sitting on the toilet and often break out into song while simultaneously going #2! And speaking of the toilet, potty humor also gives you great joy--you seriously crack up if someone makes fart noises or even just says the word fart. *sigh*
In addition to being the happiest kid in the world, you are also the sweetest. Your favorite teacher is Miss Keira and you often pick flowers to give to her while we're walking to school. When Daddy was mad at GuhGaw the other day for not listening, you ran over to Daddy and hugged him to make him feel better. And you are super sweet to me all of the time. Some examples:
- When you wake up in the morning and groggily walk around looking for me, you immediately start beaming when you find me. (If you see Daddy first and he tries to hug you, you push him away and keep looking for me!)
- You always look so happy when I pick you up from school. One time when you saw me at dismissal, you threw your arms up in the air and shouted, "Yaaaaay!"
- You were playing at the playground last week when you suddenly stopped running around the little hill you were on and ran over to me. You hugged me and said, "Mommy, I love you! You're the best mommy ever."
- When I'm lying down in bed, you often cover me with the blanket and say, "I take care of you."
- Every Sunday, we watch Molly Yeh's cooking show on Food Network together and you always smile at me and say, "I like watching Molly Yeh with you." (And because we watch a lot of food shows together, you have started describing your food when you eat: "It's so salty and crunchy and good." I love it!)
- At your school Mother's Day tea party, you told everyone that the thing you like to do with me is cook with me.
- You also learned a special song for the tea party and sing it often at home: "I have a person that I love and Mommy is her name-o! M Y M M O!" (Haha, so we have to work on your spelling a little.)
- You tell me, "You're my friend and my mama."
It has been amazing to see how you have grown this past year. You can get dressed and undressed by yourself. You can unscrew a water bottle cap and easily drink out of the bottle. You can brush your own teeth. You are really good at tracing lines. You are more interested in drawing and doing workbooks. You can write the letters T, I and O. You are starting to sound out words and say things like, "Banana starts with B!" When you can't tell what a word starts with, you ask me. And this last one is sad for me: You have started calling me "Mommy" more often instead of the more babyish "Mama."
Other aspects about you remain unchanged. You still love playing with cars and trucks, watching Team Umizoomi and reading Elephant & Piggie books. You are still a fan of PJ Masks, ABC Mouse and the Backstreet Boys. Your favorite foods are "nut nuts" (you like all of them but pistachios are #1), diced peach cups and "waterlemon." You have a big sweet tooth and will eat chocolate anything. You still like to occasionally pretend that you are a baby, babbling and asking to be held like one. You still like to pretend you are a kitten or baby dinosaur and have me pretend to be your mama cat or mama dinosaur. You still like to hold my hands while you fall asleep next to me. And you still make me laugh every day with the silly things you do. One day, you asked me to look at your "cool pose" and then leaned against the wall with one hand, put one foot behind the other and put your other hand on your hip. So cute!

You are also still really responsible for a kid your age--just last week, you didn't make it to the toilet in time and peed all over the bathroom floor. I threw down some paper towels and before I could even bend over, you did and started wiping up your own pee. When I put you in the tub, you took your clothes and began to scrub and rinse them under the running faucet. Sometimes your older siblings spill something and then just stare at the spill without doing anything, so I am very impressed that my youngest takes the initiative to clean up his own messes!
My baby bear is 4 today. Happy birthday, sweetie! I love you super much!