Dear Sawyer,
This past Sunday, we went bike riding with our neighbors who live across the street. We went on the Forest Park bike trail, which I had never taken you on because it has quite a few challenging hills. Our neighbors' kids have done the trail several times, as has JieJie, so they were able to handle the trail and go much faster than you. I stayed behind with you while they went ahead and while it took you longer to go up the hills and you got tired a few times, your positive attitude never wavered. You never complained that the hills were too hard, you never whined that the other kids were so far ahead of you and you never stopped trying. You pedaled as hard as you could and just kept pushing through all of the challenging sections. I was so incredibly proud of you.

I am so lucky to have you in my life and I can't believe you are now SEVEN! Happy birthday to my baby bear! You are such an amazing person and have so many wonderful qualities. In addition to being determined, you are cheerful, optimistic, enthusiastic, helpful, thoughtful and creative. You have a very curious mind and are constantly asking questions like: why is our bathroom designed in the shape it is, how do birds fly so high in the sky, why do they call it a bridge, are there pools of water that are bottomless? You love to read and I constantly find you reading morning, noon and night. It's a "problem" I have with GuhGaw and JieJie, too--you guys are such voracious readers that you dive into a book every chance you get, even if I have been yelling at you to instead brush your teeth, put on your shoes, go take a shower, put on your pjs and get into bed, etc. Sometimes, you even try to read while simultaneously walking down the street! Your teacher also told me that she often has to talk to you about reading the books from the classroom library before you have finished your assignments. I am probably the only mother who has to constantly yell, "Stop reading!" but I am grateful that you can spend hours engaged in a book and that while other kids are always asking to watch YouTube or play video games, you are asking me to go on to read books. Your favorite books right now are ones about dinosaurs and books from the Dog Man and Wimpy Kid series.

Your other interests are (still) dinosaurs, the Octonauts series on Netflix, building things with Legos and PlusPlus puzzle pieces, dancing to BTS songs and drawing comics. I am always impressed with your drawings because you put so many interesting details in them! You have also started getting interested in chess but I'd say your biggest hobby is complimenting me! Here are some gems you have said to me recently:
"Mama, you make everything better."
"I think about you all of the time. Even when I'm at school."
"Sawyer, you look good." "Mama, you always look good."
"Mama, I love you and you always look so beautiful and everything you do makes me so happy."
"I'm sad when I can't see your face and your sweet smile."
"I'm so happy I'm your kid."
And I'm so happy I'm your mama! Happy birthday, sweetheart!