Dear Sawyer,
Here are some of the things you did in the past few weeks:
-You tried blueberries--and loved them. I'd say they're your favorite snack, but all snacks are your favorite snacks! You love to eat! Sometimes when you eat, you take such passionate bites and go "Ahm!"
-You started sitting on your butt and turning around in circles. I guess that's fun for you? It's definitely fun for me to watch!
-You favored your sister over your brother -- one night while you were in your crib, JieJie kept running up to you and you gave her a kiss every time she reached you, but when GuhGaw did it and leaned in for a kiss, you pushed his face away. Harsh.
-I am trying to wean you but you have been refusing to drink cow's milk. I warmed it up, gave it to you cold, put it in a cup, spoon fed it to you . . . you will not drink it. You'll only drink breastmilk. I didn't have any problems switching GuhGaw and JieJie to cow's milk, so I don't know what to do.
-You recognized yourself -- I showed you a photo of yourself and you said, "DiDi."
-You caught coxsackie disease from your brother and sister, uuugggghhh. And then I caught it from you, double uuugggghhh. I got hit pretty bad (I couldn't even get out of bed the first day) but thankfully, you just had a fever for a couple days and didn't seem that uncomfortable.
-You made me laugh when I was talking to GuhGaw one day and you were next to me in your high chair, imitating the hand gestures I was making, haha!
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