Dear Sawyer,
Cute Sawyer sayings during our vacation in St. Thomas:
"Plane! Plane! Woooow, plane!" -- You loved seeing all of the airplanes at the airport.
"Hol' on! Whoa! Whoa!" -- You were a little nervous during takeoff and insisted that I hold on to your leg while the plane went up in the air. Whenever I moved my hand, you immediately grabbed it and placed it back on top of your leg.
"Mou! Mou!" -- I let you watch "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on the plane and when Mickey Mouse came on the screen, you were so excited and mimicked everything he did, from his bouncy walk to the way he pumped his fist in the air.
"Water! Water!" -- You pointed to the pool and said this whenever you wanted to go in.
"Turn!" -- You said this whenever you wanted a turn at something.
"Awe-sum!" -- You said this on the night we returned home from our trip. It was dark out and there were dozens of fireflies lighting up our front lawn when we pulled into the driveway. You had never seen fireflies before and watching you watch them was really sweet. I mean, they are bugs that light up. How magical is that?! I caught one in my hands and you were so amazed by it's glow, thus leading to the first time you said, "Awe-sum!"
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