Dear Sawyer,
You keep scaring me, little man! I was blending smoothies the other day when I suddenly felt something leaning against my leg and nearly jumped out of my skin. It was you! I hadn't heard you walk into the kitchen over the sound of the blender.
Later that afternoon, Daddy took GuhGaw and JieJie out so I was home with just you and MuiMui. After I changed MuiMui's diaper, the house was eerily quiet and I couldn't find you anywhere. I looked in all of the rooms upstairs and then went downstairs. It was still so quiet and I thought to myself, "Sawyer, PLEASE don't jump out and scare me!" I called out your name and then heard your voice coming from GuhGaw's room: "Come look for me." You were hiding under GuhGaw's desk! Maybe the next time you want to play hide-and-seek, you tell me first?
Then last night, two hours after I had put you to bed, I was walking up the stairs when aaaaggghhh! There you were, standing sleepy-eyed at the top of the stairs. I was so startled, my chest actually tightened.
Cut it out! :-P
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