Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Hug

Dear Sawyer,

I went into your room earlier today and noticed that you have a pile of about a dozen used Q-tips on your dresser. As MuiMui used to say when she was younger: ew, yuck! The bathroom trash can is two feet away from your room--apparently walking over to it and throwing away the Q-tips is too taxing? Or perhaps you are conducting a science experiment with old earwax? #gross

On a less disgusting note, your winter concert was yesterday and your class did such a great job! You sang "Downtown" and "New York State of Mind" and despite them being "older" songs, you really liked singing them. I am grateful that I always have the time to come and see your performances, especially when I see how happy you are that I am there. When the parents were lining up to enter the auditorium, your class walked by and you waved excitedly to me when you saw me. Once we were all seated in the auditorium, you kept turning around in your seat to smile and wave to me. After the show, your class was lined up near the school entrance as I was leaving. When you saw me, you smiled and waved and then got out of line and ran over to me to hug me. You hugged me for awhile, too, and didn't care that your whole class was watching us. Thank you for loving me so much, baby bear!


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